Zorp GPL

The security middleware.

Release Notes 7.0.1


  • Ubuntu 18.04 support
  • Systemd support
  • Automatic debug symbol packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • Rewritten zorpctl functionality (in Python)


  • Improved help message readability in case of kzorp-client command line tool’s evaluate functionality.
  • The source port parameter is now optional in case of kzorp-client command line tool’s evaluate functionality.



  • Fixed session id handling. The problem caused that session id is not increased when a new connection is arrived. The only affected service type is DetectorService, any other service types work well.


  • Fixed a memory leak which occurred when Zorp failed to read on the client-side socket during a TLS connection.
  • Fixed reply code sent by SMTPProxy when a received mail is rejected. Earlier when the proxy wanted to reject an incoming mail (e.g. it contains a virus) it replied with an error code indicating only temporary rejection (421) and the server tried to send the mail to the Zorp several times. Now the error code (550) is sent indicating permanent rejection, so a valid server does not try to resend the mailto Zorp.
  • Fixed Zorp thread count drawing Munin plugin. Due to the problem the plugin did not serve data to the Munin node and the graph was not created at all.
  • Fixed verbosity level of logs generated when Zorp cannot read on a UDP connection. The verbosity level of relevant messages is unchanged, only the verbosity level of messages about temporary failures (EAGAIN) is increased.
  • Fixed information leak when form-based authentication is used in HTTP proxy, now Zorp does not forward anywhere ZorpRealm cookie, which identify the session of logged in user, to the remote peer (server).
  • Fixed authentication cache handling in HTTP proxy when client uses basic authentication. Now Zorp does not send ZorpRealm cookies, which identify the session (potentially sensitive information) to the proxy.


  • Give deprecation warning when Zorp starts if either ca_directory or crl_directory parameters are set in any ClientCertificateVerifier which is used in any EncryptionPolicy as these parameters will be removed in next LTS version.
  • Fixed parameter handling in case of kzorp-client command line tool’s evaluate functionality. The problem caused crashed when non-existing interface was given as source interface parameter.
  • Fixed handling of UTF-8 characters in case of username and password entries of form-based authentication page.


  • Proxy-based SSL/TLS settings
    • EncryptionPolicy should be used in the following
  • Listener and Receiver classes
    • Dispatcher classes should be used in the following
  • CRL related options
    • setup_[ca|crl]_list proxy ssl callback
      • there is no alternative for this callback
    • [ca|crl]_directory
      • verify_[ca|crl]_directory should be used in the following
    • [client_|server_]?[ca|crl]_directory
      • verify_[ca|crl]_directory should be used in the following
      • it could be use in ZMS 6.x
    • [client|server]_local_[ca|crl]_list
      • verify_[ca|crl]_directory should be used in the following
    • [client|server]_cagroup_directories
      • verify_[ca|crl]_directory should be used in the following
  • OneToOneNat, OneToOneMultiNAT and StaticNAT classes
    • GeneralNAT classes should be used in the following